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Being in Flow in the Himalayas : Andretta 

In October 2019, we visited Andretta, a quaint Artist's village in Himachal Pradesh India. Our theme for the retreat was Being in Flow. 

I have written on my blog about what Being in Flow means to me ~ I found dance, grace and movement in yoga. I also believe that a flow of energy created the Universe and everything in it - we too are made of the same stuff.  When we are in touch with our reality we  will often find ourselves in sync with that energy. 


When we are not in flow and not in tune with that energy is when we notice friction in our lives. Friction can exist : 


  • within our surroundings, 

  • within other people around us and 

  • most importantly within our own bodies and minds. 


A lot of the yoga asanas we did and  the discussions we had, the material we worked on was to go back into being in flow. Core themes included -


Understanding where we are in life,

Noticing if the life we are leading are the ones we desire to lead,

Working with Fear instead of running away 

Living with Intention.

Our days started with quiet reflection and writing - clearing the mind of clutter before we started to flow on our mats. 


The days were filled with activities & outings from trying our hand at pottery to visiting the Dalai Lama's temple at McLeodganj and watching paragliders gracefully land at Bir while we gorged on delicious local cuisine. 

The biggest, ever-present and strongest source of the Universal energy is to be found in nature. in the past whenever I have encountered magic - it has been in the lap of Mother Nature.

Keeping that aspect in mind, we stayed at The Mirage: a perfect place to rest and be enriched. 

Below are some pictures of our stay at the Mirage and Dharamshala

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