
Written Word
I love to write. I love yoga. I love to daydream and stare at the clouds moving across the skies. Most of my words come to me when I am in Shavasana or gazing into the horizon, focusing on nothing, just being. Over the last few years I've collected my thoughts on a blog called Samastithi Nine and I've recently started writing on Medium, both links are below. I also send out a monthly newsletter, Tüz ~ a Hungarian word meaning Soul Fire, to my students and you will find links download them below. I hope you will find something in either of these mediums that sparks joy in you.
Tüz, Newsletters

Tüz, July 2021
We speak about perfectionism and how it kills art instead of nurturing it. When was the last time you did something just for the sake of it and how can you spark magic back in your creative endeavours. I share my favourite Walnut Banana Bread recipe and what recently ticked me off about people travelling !

Tüz, Sept 2020
How wonderful would it be if kids were taught what the Dalai Lama calls "Hygience of Emotion" of emotion in school? It's not too late for us to train our thoughts as adults - training emotional states is EXACTLY like training muscles at the gym. We follow this up with achieving a stable and strong shoulder girdle in our practice and the wonderful Dalai Lama on Compassion.